Quick Cash Ultimate Real Estate Investment System


Take your real estate investing to the next level with Chuck Smith Systems' comprehensive 367-page ALL IN ONE coaching program. This program includes every single course you see on our store, systemized in order with added value and is designed specifically for real estate investors, providing you with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve financial success and millionaire status in the Real Estate investing industry.

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Take your real estate investing to the next level with Chuck Smith Systems' comprehensive 367-page ALL IN ONE coaching program. This program includes every single course you see on our store, systemized in order with added value and is designed specifically for real estate investors, providing you with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve financial success and millionaire status in the Real Estate investing industry.

Take your real estate investing to the next level with Chuck Smith Systems' comprehensive 367-page ALL IN ONE coaching program. This program includes every single course you see on our store, systemized in order with added value and is designed specifically for real estate investors, providing you with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve financial success and millionaire status in the Real Estate investing industry.

COVERED IN THIS COURSE: Success Development, Overview of Our Business, Building and Cultivating a Buyer’s List®, Build a Buyer’s List, Ads to Attract Buyers, Become a Counselor-Seller, Types of Buyers, Buyer’s Impulse Window, Two Final Points, Quick Turning Buyer Sheet, 9-1-1 Marketing System Continued, Billboards, Newspaper Ads, Digital Marketing & Online Advertising, Sample Ad(s), Questionnaire for Pre-Screening Sellers, Follow Up, Follow Up File, House Inspection Summary, Inspection Checklist, Private Lenders, Using Private Lenders, Student Success using My Private Lender System, Proof of Funds Letters, Approaching Private Lenders, Credibility Kit Contents, Chuck Smith® Brochure, Chuck Smith® Flyer, Sample Compact Disc, Sample Audio Tape, Actual Chuck Smith® Audio Tape Script, Chuck Smith® Business Card/Envelope, Sample Letter to Potential Private Lender, Chuck Smith® BBB Membership Sign, Attracting Private Lenders, Pitching Private Lenders, Equity/Profit Sharing With Private Lenders, Process for Closing Private Loans Checklist, Process for Closing Private Loans, Strategy When Using Private Money, Use of Private Lender’s IRA or Pension, S.C.O.R.E., Land Installment Contract, Quit-Claim Deed, Affidavit and Memorandum, Mid Ohio Securities, Private Lender (Credibility) Business Kit®, Inspecting a property continued, Replacement of Standard Window with High-Energy Savings Window, Entrance Steps, Typical Staircase, Electrical Box Installation for Air Conditioning Unit, Termite Infestation of Framing Members, Free-Standing Exterior Chimney, Main Support (wood or steel) Supporting Floor Joists, Typical Gable Roof Framing, Attic Venting, Platform-Frame Construction, Typical Balloon-Frame Construction Section View, Typical Platform-Frame Construction Section View, Flat Roof, Parapet Wall, and Cock Loft, Splash Block or Concrete Slabs for Prevention of Rain Run-Off Down to Foundation Walls, Balloon-Frame Construction, Schematic Plumbing Layout, Typical Sewer and Water Line Arrangement, Section of Main Circuit Breaker Box, Typical Roof Framing, Covering and Gutter, Leader Detail, Elevation of Overhead Main Entrance, Elevation of Underground Main Service Entrance, Gas and Electric Hot Water Heaters, Oil-Fired Hot Water Heater, Oil Boiler Converted to Oil-Firing, Boiler with Coil for Hot Water Production, Schematic of Forced-Air System, Schematic of Two-Pipe Hot Water System, Schematic of Radiant Floor Heating, Schematic of One-Pipe Steam System, Assigning Contracts, Contract Assigning, Types of Sellers, Should I Have the Title Checked on the Property, Does the Contract Buyer Pay Me Directly?, Do I Need an Attorney, What Can I Demand as a Fee When Contract Assigning, Selling on an Option, Is There a Down Side to Selling Contracts, Assignment of Contract, The Chuck Smith L.L.C. Fast Turn for Wholesale and Contract Assignment®, Step by Step Process, Wholesaling, The 20/80 Rule, Wholesaling or Fast Turning®, Fast Turning in a Nutshell, Targets for Fast Turning, Advantages of Fast Turning, Disadvantages of Fast Turning, How to Determine Market Value, Items That Make up a CMA, What Should I Offer?, How to Determine How Much to Actually Offer, The Six Most Common Mistakes When Wholesaling, Fast Turning Flow Chart, Step by Step Fast Turning, My Offer Was Accepted – Now What?, Fast Turning Luxury Homes, My Example, Benefits to the Investor (You), Benefits to Your Seller, Step by Step Process, Proof of Success, Chuck Smith’s Fast Turn Option Agreement, Ad to Cultivate a Buyer’s List, Phone Book Ad, Buying Subject To Fast Turning the Deed, Buying Subject To Defined, Can I Buy Houses with Due on Sale Loans?, Garn St. Germane Law, Warrant Deed to Trustee, Notice of Due On Sale Clause In Mortgage, Escrow Letter, Authorization to Release Information, Fast Turning the Deed®, Assignment of Deed®, Retailing Properties, Retailing Defined, Major Reasons People Fail in Retailing, Finding the Best Retail Deals, Locating a Good Agent, Rehab Timeline, Rehab Guidelines, On Closing Day, and Rehab Work In Order, Marketing to Attract Buyers, Pre-Qualifying Buyers, Retailing Properties Continued, Making the Mortgage Process Efficient, Understanding the Loan Process, Book of Successes, Business Plan, Tough Cop Contractor Management Program®, Should You Do It Yourself or Hire a Contractor, Checklist for Hiring a Contractor, Contractors, Detailed Proposal, Proposal Form, Detailed Work List, Release of Lien, Situations Where You Can Do Some of the Work Yourself, Act as Your Own Contractor, Staging Your Property, Curb Appeal, Your Home’s Entry Hall, Your Home’s Dining Room or Dining Area, Your Home’s Kitchen, Stairways, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Attic, Basement, Driveways & Garages, When Your Home Is Shown, Seller Financing, Just What is Seller Financing?, Discounting a Mortgage, Where Should I (Could I) Do Seller Financing, Why Would a Seller Do Seller Financing (Hold Paper?), Negotiation, Meeting with the Sellers, Making the Offer, What if the Seller’s Payment is as Much or More Than the Rental Value?, Seller has a Free and Clear House but Needs Money Out of the Deal Now, How Long of a Term Should I Go For?, Buying on Interest Only Payments, Getting the Homeowner Out, Selling Cost Sheet®, Lease Agreement with Option to Purchase Real Estate, Applicant Information Sheet, Sandwich Leasing, Where Will Sandwich Leasing Work?, How Do I Profit in Sandwich Leasing?, What is Your Target for Sandwich Leasing?, Know Your Exit Strategy, Your Seller Refuses to Sell, Advantages for Sellers, Your Buyer and You, Seller Objection Outline, My Rule of Qualification, 11 Reasons Why Sandwich Leasing is Great, Rental Market, The Ads to Buy Properties, Most Common Mistakes When Dealing With Tenant/Buyer, Ads to Sell with a Sandwich Lease, Common Mistakes When Dealing with Sellers, Increase Your Monthly Cash Flow by 25% With No Extra Work, Sandwich Lease Agreement Between You and the Seller, Asset Protection, Pre-Paid Legal – Vital Information, Asset Protection/Privacy, You are Going to be Sued!, The Land Trust, Uses of the Land Trust, Privacy, Liability Protection, Transferability, Ownership of Beneficial Interests, Beat the Due-On-Sale Clause, Insurance, Land Trust as a Security Device, Transferring into a Land Trust, Differences Among the States, States that use Land Trust Without Addendum, States that use Land Trust With Addendum, Land Trust Agreement, Legal Entities: Asset Protection, Sole Proprietorship, Joint Ownership, Corporation, Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Company, Living Trust, Land Trust, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust, Irrevocable Children’s Trust, The Limited Partnership, Chapter 16 – Asset Protection Continued Formation of the Limited Partnership, Flow Charts, The QuickStart 30-Day Plan, Timeline, Definitions & Terms.

Quick Cash Ultimate Real Estate Investment System


With Chuck’s years of experience and research, you'll learn how to identify profitable investment opportunities, analyze deals, negotiate effectively, and manage properties for maximum returns. You'll also develop essential skills for managing your time, finances, and relationships, helping you to achieve personal and professional growth.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, Chuck Smith Systems' FULL coaching and real estate system is packed with practical lessons and exercises to help you achieve your real estate investing goals. With Chuck's guidance and expertise, you'll gain the clarity and confidence necessary to succeed in the industry.

So, why wait? Download Chuck Smith Systems' 367-page Ultimate Real Estate Investment system today and take the first step towards achieving financial freedom through real estate investing. The opportunities are endless - all you need is the right guidance to unlock your full potential.

Author’s Note:

The Difference Between “Flipping” Property and “Fast Turning” Property

You’ve no doubt heard about “Flipping” properties in the media, and how it is a criminal act. “Flipping” a property involves fraud and the collusion of usually everyone involved in the deal. Those who engage in flipping “rig” an appraisal, so the value of the property to be sold is inflated. They will also present fraudulent information on unqualified buyers’ mortgage applications, where the buyer appears to make more money, have better job stability, and have a better credit rating than they do. Some of these crooks have even used children’s Social Security numbers and invented credit to obtain loans.

I do not partake in, tolerate, or teach any of these practices.

What I teach is “Quick Turning” property.  With skill and proper training, my students are taught how to find, fund, and sell housing at lightning-fast speed for a markup. We buy these properties at a deep, deep discount and sell them below market value, so there is never a question about the appraised value.

I just wanted to make that clear even before you start my coaching program.

-Chuck Smith

How to Benefit Most From Chucks Complete Real Estate System

By Dan S. Kennedy

I have spent 30 years of my life working intimately with entrepreneurs, thousands of them. Many have started dumb, broke, and even desperate, and went on to accomplish amazing things. My clients, coaching group members, and close friends include people who’ve sold businesses they started on kitchen tables for as much as 130 million dollars. People who were literally homeless, living in relatives’ basements or spare bedrooms, who now own million-dollar homes of their own. These people are quite unique when viewed against the bigger, broader population, yet there are far too many of them to accurately term any of them “unique”, especially if that implies they have some advantage that you do not; that they may be able to do something you cannot.

Maybe you know me or know of me, as a result of my own books – nine at last count, including the recently updated NO B.S. BUSINESS SUCCESS BOOK or THE NEW PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS, or as a result of my marketing oriented newsletter, NO B.S. MARKETING LETTER, or my speaking.  Over 25 years, I spoke to over 200,000 people most years and frequently appeared on programs with former U.S. Presidents and world leaders, legendary entrepreneurs like Debbie Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), broadcasters Larry King and Paul Harvey, etc. I tell you these things about me to let you know I have a long, diverse track record of assembling and disseminating experience-based, real work information, on money, business, and success. I also practice what I preach; I have started, built, and sold businesses successfully, invested in real estate and real estate based “paper” as does Chuck and have been a self-employed, self-supporting entrepreneur nearly my entire life.

With all that said, I wanted to tell you about one of these many unique yet not unique entrepreneurs I’ve had the privilege of meeting, working with, and being inspired by. The author of this, Chuck Smith.  And I want to tell you why you should very carefully and thoroughly digest every word he has written.

The reason I have used “No B.S.” in many of my book titles and in my newsletter title is in reference to the unfortunate fact that there is so much B.S. shoveled into people’s minds by fuzzy-headed academics, self-serving politicians, the liberal media, misguided ministers, and of course, people making money selling how-to-succeed information who have actually done nothing other than regurgitate someone else’s information. When you decide you want to re-engineer your life and achieve more, it is vital you “consider the source.”  

I suggest to you the most worthy source is someone who has been where you are or worse off than you are, has accomplished what you aspire to, has legitimate real world in-the-trenches experience, has not forgotten from whence he came, and can share with you his experience, ideas, theories, and sometimes useful, but successful experience, priceless.

It is for this reason that I was so impressed with Chuck the first time I met him. I was speaking at a conference for what we call “information marketers”, and heard Chuck tell an abbreviated version of his story that you will read in detail in this book, and heard him describe his hopes for converting his hard-fought experience into books, courses, and seminars that could help others. But what made Chuck stand out from hundreds of others in that same room, also eager to create and market their own information products, was that Chuck had arrived at a “success plan” replicable by others 100% from actual experience, and had achieved considerable wealth, independence, and security of great entrepreneurial success stories. This is the right foundation for a man, mission, and information that is of real value and worth to others. I have done everything in my power to encourage him, and to direct him to productive paths. I had a little something to do with the book now in your hands and with the way it is written.

Chuck Smith is one of those true-life symbols that free enterprise, capitalism, and personal initiative work, and can work for anyone who will work.

I often say there’s virtually no excuse to be broke in America.  As the late comedian Sam Kineson used to say, “If you aren’t going to make it here - where?” Chuck Smith is living proof this statement is true. He was a low paid street cop who overcame obstacles including bankruptcy and ruined credit too quickly-note I said “quickly” – create $100,000.00 then $500,000.00, then $1,000,000.00 in yearly real cash income for his family, starting with nothing more than useful information, a reasonable plan, initiative, personal responsibility, and self-motivation. If he can do it, why can’t you? Or anyone else?  There’s also no excuse to work in a job, stay mired in a business, or live a life that does not excite and satisfy you. Chuck Smith is living proof that statement is also true.

His book is really three books in one. It is his story, his, if you will, “blue” rags to riches story. It should drive home to you the truth that anything you wish to achieve financially and in terms of lifestyle is readily accessible to you, regardless of where you are now. It should provide what from-scratch billionaire W. Clement Stone, in his great book “The Success Stem That Never Fails”, called INSPIRATION TO ACTION.

His book is also a clear, straightforward overview of Chuck’s replicable “success plan” and a behind the scenes look at his business. You will see that what he does, you can do, how he makes his money just about anyone can copy. Of notable importance, you will see abundant evidence that his “plan” yields real results.

Chuck is, after all, a former cop, so you should expect evidence from him. This should give you what I call CONFIDENCE TO ACTION.

His book is also, frankly, a sales pitch.  That is, in part, the result of my urging. It tells you what to do next and how Chuck can and will help you. This is a spectacular opportunity. For most people, it never occurs; an “ordinary” wage earner who becomes a millionaire and is willing, even eager to take you under his wing and show you everything he does and how he does it. I view this book’s #1 job as making a strong sales pitch-selling you on the idea of greater success, selling you on you and the truth that you can do it, selling you on the “success plan” you can use, and selling you on getting off your duff, into action, with Chuck’s direction and assistance.

Oh, and one other thing, about getting rich quick. All your life you’ve been counseled and cautioned against get-rich-quick schemes. This counsel has come from people who are clueless about getting rich, quick, slow, or any other way. Remember what I said about - consider the source. People like Chuck know you can create very rapid, dramatic, gigantic improvements in your financial life because he has done so himself. He is a worthy source. There’s no virtue in getting rich slow. There’s no rule against quick. As you follow The Ultimate Real Estate Investment System, you might give special consideration to the idea of speed.

One of the great success educators, Earl Nightingale, observed that most highly successful people hit a time and place in their lives where they accomplish more in 2 years than they did in the previous 20. I have personally found that to be true, and I have observed it countless times. Chuck has lived it as well.  So can you. It occurs for a person because of the convergence of many factors.  Two big ones are readiness and the discovery of a valid blueprint, a workable plan, often with the support and the encouragement of a beneficent mentor. One of those important factors is right here for the taking. The other is entirely within your personal control.

All positive change occurs in movement through three steps: one, Awareness; two, Decision; three, Action. Chuck Smith’s ultimate real estate investment system will make you aware of what can be done, and how it’s done and provide ample evidence you can do it too.

If you happen to be a police officer, firefighter, rescue worker, or member of the military reading this, Chuck’s background and story should have special meaning for you. You work in jobs that, quite honestly, I would never do for love or money. You put yourself at risk for my benefit, society’s benefit.  You are woefully underpaid. That is not going to change. Nike is not going to suddenly start handing out 90 million shoe contracts to cops. You can bitterly complain about how unfair all this is over your beer or you can do something about it.

Not something to change the system or society’s priorities. Something personal, practical, direct, and productive.

You can continue serving as Chuck did while investing some off-hours time in a very different field, where enormous financial rewards from honest, ethical, and safe work await. You can develop and profit from your brain rather than your brawn. You can profit from leverage rather than manual labor.  You will naturally be far more skeptical than people in other occupations. You may be sorely tempted to shrug Chuck’s story off as a fluke, as a freak accident, as a lucky break, or as a result of some mysterious talents you do not possess. You will even question the evidence. It’s perfectly okay to have such doubts, as long as they do not rise to the level of paralysis. There’s a saying: a wise man investigates what a fool takes for granted. I urge you not to let your past experience determine your future.

Chuck is above all else, a sincere individual. I am sure that will come through loud and clear to you just as it has to me. That is a quality in alarmingly short supply these days. In short, he is a No B.S. guy with a No B.S. success plan. My kind of guy.

~ Dan S. Kennedy

What you’ll learn in Chuck Smiths Quick Cash Ultimate Real Estate Investment System

Chuck Smiths FULL real estate investing system covers a wide range of topics to help you achieve millionaire or multi-millionaire status in the Real Estate investing industry:

Our system is divided into 17 chapters, each one packed with valuable information, proven to work strategies, real world experience, and insights.

Here's a quick overview of what you'll find in Chucks Ultimate Real Estate Investment system:

Chapter 1 - Success Development: Learn how to develop the mindset of a successful real estate investor and set yourself up for success.

Before we talk about anything else, we’re going to talk about personal development.  I’ve attended Real Estate seminars all over the country, and it never ceases to amaze me how few people actually do anything with what they’ve learned.  I’ve personally watched people use a credit card to pay in excess of $20,000 to attend several seminars and buy materials like videos and home-study courses only to see them a year or two later and discover that they’ve done absolutely nothing with their knowledge. It drives me crazy because these are the same people who whine and complain about not having the things in their lives they really want and need; more time or money or whatever it is they’re lacking.  If they’d just take all that energy they use to whine, and use it to accomplish their goals, there’s no limit to what they could do! Life is about overcoming obstacles.  It’s about never giving up, never quitting, never throwing in the towel, because if you do, you might as well call the morticians and make your own funeral arrangements, because you’re done for.

Chapter 2 - Overview of Our Business: Discover the ins and outs of building and cultivating a Buyer's List®, including how to create effective ads, become a counselor-seller, and more.

This is an overview of my system-what you need to do to run a successful real estate investment business.  Study this chart and refer back to it as often as necessary.  Memorize it until each part of it is engraved on your brain.  Each section of this chart is broken down into the following pages.

“Successful people are weird!  They don’t do what the majority of people do.  The majority of people are broke and miserable, so it makes sense not to follow their patterns of thinking!” -Chuck Smith

Chapter 3 introduces: the 9-1-1 marketing system for real estate investors, with a focus on the funnel concept and how to use the system with or without a budget. The chapter also covers advertising, including business cards, letter campaigns, fax cover sheets, postcards, flyers, signs, and more.

Q:  What is your only goal in marketing your services as a real estate investor?

A:  To get a ton of quality leads to come to you, so you can cherry-pick the best ones.

My marketing system is simply the best there is in the business.  I’ve seen at least two other real estate gurus trying to imitate my system.  Don’t forget-I served on Ron LeGrand’s panel of experts during his marketing boot camp for one reason, and one reason only I’M VERY, VERY, GOOD AT GETTING LEADS TO COME TO ME. The goal of the 911 Marketing System is to generate a ton of quality leads that come to you.  My system shows you how to produce those leads, both with an advertising budget and without.  Remember, when I first began, I was broke and had ruined my credit, so an advertising budget wasn’t a luxury I had when I started out.

Chapter 4 focuses on: using private lenders, including the student success of Chuck Smith's private lender system, proof of funds letters, and how to approach and attract private lenders.

The next step in my system is how to use Private Lenders for Real Estate Investing®.  As you can see, this is another area of my system that I’ve had trademarked.  When I first came upon the concept of using private lenders to fund my deals, I felt like I’d been smacked between the eyes with a two-by-four.  Bear with me and I’ll explain. What is a private lender?  Simply put, it’s an individual that puts up the money to fund the purchase of a piece of property, and all the renovations.  There are two ways a private lender gets paid;  the first is a percentage of the net profit; the second is interest only payments with the principal amount due at some time in the future.  For now, let’s examine interest only. Say for example I borrow $40,000 from Dr. Jones.  I agree to pay him 15% simple interest for two years at $500.00 per month, and at the end of the two-year period, Dr. Jones receives his initial investment of $40,000 plus he gets to keep all the monthly interest payments.  Now, why would I want to pay such a high rate of interest? In short, because there are a lot of investors around that advertise that they’ll buy houses for cash, but the majority of them don’t have the cash in hand and are hoping that they can put together a strong enough deal that they can quickly turn it for cash, or find a money partner to come through for them. Having private money lined up beforehand means you can blow your competition away because you can close the deal in days, not weeks or months.

Chapter 5 covers: inspecting a property, including estimating repair costs, evaluating the grounds, exterior, interior, systems, and appliances, as well as providing a property inspection report and schematic drawings for learning how to inspect a property.

After you have determined a property has excellent profit potential, you must physically inspect the property.  This section will walk you through the steps necessary to accomplish this vital task. Your inspection should be thorough and comprehensive, covering all aspects of the grounds, exterior and interior structures, systems, and features.  It is vitally important for you to take your time (notes) when inspecting a rehab property.  This is especially true for beginning investors.  Remember, although it is important to be as accurate as possible, final estimates should be left to an experienced contractor.  Initially, you are attempting to determine only a “ballpark” renovation cost in order to determine a realistic purchase offer amount.

Chapter 6 discusses: contract assigning, including types of sellers, the title check on the property, and how to demand a fee when contract assigning.

Now that we’ve talked about protecting the assets you’re going to be acquiring, let’s talk about the ways you’re going to acquire them. I want you to keep in mind one simple fact when we’re discussing different types of real estate deals – I strongly encourage you to work all the various methods outlined in this course – don’t just settle on one niche and attempt to earn all of your income from that narrow portion of the market.  Get involved in contract assigning, buy properties “subject to”, retail, wholesale  (I’ll explain all of these facets as we go along), but play all the “angles” – don’t limit your options. 

If I had to pick one area of Real Estate Investing that I love the most, it would have to be Contract assigning. Why? Because it’s one of the most lucrative aspects of the business, with very little time commitment. -Chuck Smith

Chapter 7 introduces: the Chuck Smith L.L.C. Fast Turn for Wholesale and Contract Assignment, with a step-by-step process for the program.

I have been told by other gurus in real estate that this technique is nothing short of genius. This is too valuable to share for free here, but once you get inside my system you’ll see what I mean in the first few paragraphs of this chapter…

CAUTION: Do not overcomplicate this.  It is simple and it will work.

Chapter 8 covers: wholesaling, including the 20/80 rule, targets for fast turning, how to determine market value, and the most common mistakes when wholesaling.

When it comes to celebrating a real estate deal, I celebrate on the “buying” date more than on the “selling” date.  As the saying goes in real estate, you make money when you buy.  I always pay close attention to the buy side with plenty of built-in profit potential.  I have such a huge advantage over my competitors because I have so much room to negotiate if I choose to, and still sell the property for a nice profit. Once you’ve bought right, you simply follow a few simple steps and the selling part will take care of itself.  Of course, I still do celebrate the sale of properties, but it’s more than the money.  When I get a big check, it’s a confirmation, a validation if you will, of my concepts – and proof over and over again that my system works.

“At the end of the day, it does not matter how many employees you have, what your gross profit was, how many deals you have done, how busy you were, how many houses you looked at, how many houses you bought, how many houses you sold, how many people who know who you are, you’re the biggest, you’re the best.  No, the only thing that matters is: how much of a net profit did you make, and what did you do to consistently repeat it?” -Chuck Smith

Chapter 9 focuses on: fast turning luxury homes, with a step-by-step process and ad to cultivate a buyer's list.

If you have any doubt that a fortune can be made in this little niche alone just look at a copy of one of my checks.  You will have no competition in this business either.  There are a few other gurus that teach boot camps on this subject alone.  They drag it out for three days and charge $6,000 to attend.  I have not seen any proof that these gurus have actually done any deals themselves.

Chapter 10 covers: buying subject to fast turning the deed, including the Garn St. Germain Law, warrant deed to trustee, a notice of due on sale clause in the mortgage, and more.

Like pretty houses?  (Who doesn’t?)  If it’s you desire to work with nice houses, in nice neighborhoods, then “Buying Subject To” is right up your alley.

Chapter 11 discusses: retailing properties, including finding the best retail deals, rehab timelines and guidelines, marketing to attract buyers, pre-qualifying buyers, and understanding the loan process.

Retailing is the most profitable of all areas of the Real Estate Investment business, and there’s a reason for it: it’s because it’s the hardest part. Retailing, as far as I’ve seen in my years in the business, is responsible for putting more people out of business than any other area of real estate investing.  Finding a bargain property that needs repair is not hard.  Finding a bargain property and quickly turning it into a cash investor is not all that difficult either.  But finding, repairing, locating a qualified buyer, and closing so you can get paid can take time. I strongly suggest you gain some experience before embarking on this form of investment.  After you have some experience in the field, using my system, you’ll be ready to tackle retailing.

Chapter 12 covers: the Tough Cop Contractor Management Program, including a checklist for hiring a contractor, a detailed proposal form, release of lien, and situations where you can do some of the work yourself.

So you’ve decided to rehab the property and either retail it or keep it as a rental.  Well, I can tell you you’ll never get rich doing the work yourself.  You can make more money with your mind than you ever could, doing your own labor.  First of all, when you purchased the property you should have factored in the cost of having a professional do all the work.  If you left out the cost for labor then you didn’t pay attention, and could end up paying more for the work than if you hired the professional because:

  • Much higher holding costs.  It will take you longer to do it yourself.

  • You may do more harm than good by causing damage if you’re not skilled.

  • The work may look as if you did it yourself rather than hiring a pro, and this may hurt your resale price.

  • Most importantly – you’ll soon grow tired and burned out from doing physical labor and will eventually quit the real estate business.

Chapter 13 introduces: staging your property, including curb appeal, entry hall, dining room, kitchen, stairways, bedrooms, bathrooms, attic, basement, and more.

The following is a list of tips to help you sell the house quicker and for more money.  You want to "stage" the house before allowing buyers to inspect it.  These are minor things that you should consider that today's homeowners would look for. Of course, this does not apply to junker houses that you wholesale because people expect them to be ugly.

Chapter 14 focuses on: seller financing, including discounting a mortgage, negotiation, making the offer, and the selling cost sheet.

Simply put, Seller Financing is when the seller assists in one form or another with the financing of the property you're buying from them. For example, the seller acts as a "bank" in a small way when they take back a second mortgage on the property, reducing the amount of out-of-pocket money required as a down payment.  Or you may be taking over the seller's payments (called Buying Subject To) and making a monthly payment that equals, exceeds, or is less than the seller's monthly payment.  (See the section on Buying Subject Too for more information.) Seller financing is at its best when the buyer (that's you) doesn't require the services of a bank to complete the deal.  A seller acts as a "bank" in a big way when you (the buyer) don't use a bank at all.  When that is the case, there is no better option than seller financing.

Chapter 15 covers: sandwich leasing, including where it will work, how to profit, target audience, and common mistakes when dealing with tenants/buyers and sellers.

Where does Sandwich Leasing work? Everywhere people have homes to sell.  In short - everywhere.  It works best with mid-to higher priced houses and is especially useful in cases where sellers will not deed you the house until they are paid in full, or where fear of the lender calling the loan due to transfer of ownership without a formal loan assumption exists.  Many people who won't agree to seller financing will work with a Sandwich Lease.

Chapter 16 discusses: asset protection, including the use of land trusts, legal entities for asset protection, and the formation of a limited partnership.


If I had taken advantage of this service when I was sued I WOULD NOT HAVE LOST over one million dollars. I have had an attorney back off suing me because of the law firm. Aside from the service, it is a nice sidelines business that dovetails with what we do, Real Estate. Join me as an associate like I am, and sell the legal plan to your buyers and sellers. There is no more effort and you have an additional income stream. Do Not Pass Up On This! If Pre-paid Legal were not the best, I would not stake my reputation on it.


Chapter 17 provides: The 30 Day Quick Start Plan, complete with a timeline to help you achieve success in real estate investing quickly.

Quick Start 30 Day Plan. Note:  This is the minimum you should do assuming you have limited time.


You have just done what 95% of other people will not do!  Take a plan and put it into action!

See you at the top!

Before we wrap up here, I’d like to thank America’s Finest, the Police Officers.  During my childhood, you were my heroes.  Serving fifteen years among you was an experience I will always cherish. We went through doors together not knowing what was on the other side. Although I no longer wear the blue uniform, I was forever changed by the experience. The saying “once in, never out” holds true to this day. I thank you for the sacrifices you make every day; sacrifices I no longer have to make. I hope to achieve my goal of teaching as many cops as possible, the investment strategies I use so that they too, can become wealthy. Every day you help others. Please allow me to help you and your family.

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